Thursday, June 13, 2013

How To Remove Glitter Nail Polish

Glitter polish is fun to wear until you have to remove it. If you'd like to know an easy, fool-proof way to take it off, read on.

All you need are:
  1. Cotton balls
  2. Aluminum foil (2 inches x 2 inches each)
  3. Polish remover that contains acetone
  4. Cuticle oil or something to return moisture to your nails and cuticles (I use argan oil)

Step 1: 
I use the large cotton balls, so I unroll them and split them in half. Then, fold up one half and saturate it with polish remover. Place the saturated cotton ball on your nail.

Step 2:
Take one piece of aluminum foil, and wrap your nail to keep the cotton ball in place. Do the same for all nails that have glitter polish on them. Relax for 5-10 minutes. The amount of time depends on how much glitter you have on your nails. 

Step 3:
Remove the aluminum foil and the cotton ball. The polish should be completely gone. If some remains, use the cotton ball the remove whatever is there. Acetone tends to be a little drying.  To combat this, gently rub some cuticle oil on each nail and your cuticles. 

Helpful Tips:
  • If you plan to give yourself a new manicure, wash your hands well after the cuticle oil is absorbed. This will help your new polish adhere to your nails properly. If you don't, you run the risk of your nail polish chipping and/or peeling.
  • This is not recommended for young children. The acetone in the remover can be absorbed through the skin. (How can you tell? You will smell it on your breath.) 
What's your favorite drugstore nail polish brand? Please take the poll.

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