Tuesday, July 2, 2013

25 Things You Don't Know About Me (TAG)

I came across this TAG & thought it would be fun! Here's a list of 25 things you don't know about me. 
  1. When I was a kid, I always wished I had a sister. I'm the only girl on my mother's side (I have one brother & 13 male cousins). Having a sister would have meant I'd always have someone to play with. 
  2. I'm actually pretty shy.
  3. I love to sing, but my shyness prevents me from singing karaoke alone.
  4. My favorite color is green. It's the color of grass that is always growing. I believe that, like grass,  I'm always growing.
  5. As a kid, I was diagnosed with what doctors thought was a seizure disorder & was on medication for several years.
  6. I got my driver license at 17 because of #5.  
  7. I'm a home body. 
  8. I absolutely have to make my bed every day.
  9. I wasn't allowed to play sports as a kid.
  10. At the age of 36, I pierced my navel.   
  11. My maternal grandmother pierced my ears the old fashioned way with a needle & thread. They're not even. It wasn't obvious until I went to do my second holes, so I only put a second hole in my left ear.
  12. I grew up in a kosher home for the first 10 years of my life.
  13. I hoard nail polish.
  14. I don't need to always be right. I just want the correct information. There's a big difference. 
  15. I don't have any tattoos...yet.
  16. I'm a giver not a taker. Asking someone to do something for me is very difficult. 
  17. I like to play golf, but I'm not good at it.
  18. I was allergic to gold as a kid & could only wear surgical steel (aka stainless steel) earrings.
  19. My biggest fear is fire.
  20. I wasn't into Sex & the City when it first aired. Now, I watch it whenever it's on & can't get enough.
  21. I only shop in stores that sell pants & dresses in petite sizes, because I'm just under 5'4".
  22. My favorite store is NY & Company.
  23. My favorite discount store is Ross.
  24. When we lived in NY, I would only go to gas stations that had attendants.
  25. I finally understand that forgiveness means letting go of the hurt & pain. It doesn't mean that what caused the hurt & pain is accepted or okay. It just means that you're no longer carrying it with you. 
What's one thing that no one knows about you that you're willing to share? Please comment below.

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