Friday, February 15, 2013

One of the Scariest Words...Change

Although this is a blog directed at beauty, I feel that when we're happy we tend to see the beauty in things more clearly.  Too often, we let life and the people in our lives dictate how we live making it difficult to be truly happy. You know, that true happiness you feel way down deep that makes you smile for no particular reason. 

It's so easy to become complacent and get stuck in daily routines. Just know, that if you're not truly happy, you can change that. You can. Your change doesn't have to be as drastic as moving half way across the country, but there are many aspects of our lives we can change. All you need to do to work toward your happiness is to take the first step. 

Friends & Family
For some of you the first step may mean walking away from those people in your lives who just aren't "for" you. Those people who would rather tear you down than build you up are toxic plain and simple. They add nothing good to your life. The more you hear that negative noise the less you'll hear the positivity. If you cannot completely cut those toxic people out of your life (i.e., family members), maintain limited contact. Then, make sure to surround yourself with really good friends who love and support you.

Work Life
After leaving two careers behind and swearing off ever returning to school after completing graduate school, I found myself lost professionally after making the move from New York to Texas. What made me more lost was that I was the CED (Chief Executive Diva) of our home for several years. The move, however, gave me the courage to try things that I never thought I would enjoy doing.  The act of stepping out of my comfort zone to try new things felt liberating. What was the worst that could happen?  I met some great people and some who were down right awful, but I opened the door to new experiences. It became apparent that I had to choose another career path and get on it. With an open mind (a key component to change), I went to the local community college to find out about a new career. Many community colleges have continuing education programs that are much cheaper than degree-oriented programs. They're for adults looking to change careers and give you what you need to make that change. I'm now on a different path in healthcare than I was before and am excited about it. Yes, excited! I fell into it while looking into a different path too. If you're not happy in your professional life, it may be time to look into other paths to find one that makes you happier. Go to your local community college and ask about career change assistance. It's a great first step.

Sometimes a change in appearance gives one the confidence they need. Think about this question. If you're not wearing the same clothes you were 20 years ago, why would you keep the same hairstyle or makeup routine? Pick up some hairstyle magazines and find some styles you like. Bring those pictures to your hairstylist, and ask his/her opinion as to which one suits you best. Hair is an accessory that should be changed and updated every few years. As for makeup, YouTube has some great tutorials on how to do today's looks. Play around with colors and techniques to find yourself a new look. Even subtle changes in your makeup can make you feel good when you walk out the door.

If you are wearing clothes from 20 years ago, maybe you need to update your wardrobe a little. Some people are great at putting outfits together and some are not. If you're in the "not" category, go to several stores and use your phone to take pictures of the mannequins dressed in outfits you'd like to wear. Then, copy them. A small change in how you present yourself can also be a great first step.

Working toward change starts with one step. Change can be scary and risky, but it's so worth it when its results bring you happiness. With only one shot at living life, give yourself a chance to take the risk at being happy. You're worth it. 

The world needs more women for women.  ~Lisa Gootman Alonso

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